Tuesday 5 November 2013

Nothing Left To Lose - Kirsty Moseley

Nothing left to Lose
Out Now

Opening Paragraph 

Sweet sixteen is a day that every girl should remember as a special day in their lives. In some cultures, it’s even considered to be the start of passage into womanhood. My sixteenth was anything but sweet; it was more like the passage into hell on earth. March 12 was the day my dreams died and my life was sent into a downward spiral of pain, grief, and terror. My sixteenth birthday left an irrevocable scar on me, and was the beginning of events that I would see repeatedly in my nightmares.

Author Interview 

What are you reading at the moment? 
- Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

Whats your favourite genre to write about?
- I always stick to romance, I think its my niche. Thing is, I love writing fantasy stuff too and have a fair bit planned for the future to go along with my normal romance stuff.

What book did you love writing the most?
- Nothing Left To Lose was definitely my baby, and still is. It was the first book that made me cry while writing it, and the first one I pulled an all-nighter to write because I just couldn't stop. 

Whats your hobbies apart from reading and writing?
- I have no real hobbies, I'm a bit of a bore! Most of my time is spent with my family or playing with my son. I love to go to the cinema( the movies for non UK people) Yep im definitely a bore!

Are there any sexual topics you won't write about?
- Not really so long as it was legal, consensual and between two humans it's all good! Though there are some thing I wouldn't want my dad to know I write. 

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Buy Nothing Left To Lose 

I would just like to thank Addicted to Books for letting me participate in the release promo and Kirsty Moseley.

Please check out Addicted to Books here 

And check out Kirsty Moseley here

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